Integrated generic resource: Material and other engineering properties ISO 10303-45:2018(E)

Cover page
Table of contents
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
    3.1 Terms and definitions
    3.2 Abbreviated terms

4 Material property definition
   4.1 General
   4.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions
   4.3 Material property definition type definitions
   4.4 Material property definition entity definitions
   4.5 Material property definition function definitions
5 Material property representation
   5.1 General
   5.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions
   5.3 Material property representation type definition
   5.4 Material property representation entity definitions
6 Qualified measure
   6.1 General
   6.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions
   6.3 Qualified measure type definitions
   6.4 Qualified measure entity definitions

A Short names of entities
B Information object registration
C Computer interpretable listings
D EXPRESS-G diagrams
E Technical discussion
F Change history

Index of Express-G pagesNext pageLast page
Figure D.3 — EXPRESS-G diagram of the material_property_representation_schema (1 of 2) ../../resources/support_resource_schema/support_resource_schema.htm ../../resources/material_property_representation_schema/material_property_representation_schema.htm ../../resources/process_property_representation_schema/process_property_representation_schema.htm ../../resources/shape_dimension_schema/shape_dimension_schema.htm ../../resources/product_property_representation_schema/product_property_representation_schema.htm

Figure D.3 — EXPRESS-G diagram of the material_property_representation_schema (1 of 2)

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